The brains and the brawn of the group! A brilliant engineering researcher in Monotopia, whose life tirned on her head after she found the lost rules and details about the Robokiden game. She was the first to discover and start repairing the forbiden island arenas.
Everything is better with friends! A true expert in Bot technology, Fabio is very fond of his little friends and is always on the watch to keep them safe and sound.
More Energy! More PASSION! His powerful voice booms all over the bootleg radio station as Armando took his passion for sports commentary to the forbidden arenas of RoboKiden.
Is it really fun if it doesn't go BOOM? Pure creative chaos is condensed inside of Sasha's brain. Sasha fits a gazillion ideas and concepts into each weapon mod created in true explosive marvels.
Let Art speak by itself. Where others see scrap, Zoe sees a canvas. Robots, guns, fences, even the rocks aren't safe from her spray cans. In Monotopia she had to abide to the rules, but in the arenas she is now able to fully express herself.
Everything is awesome! Infectious optimism and the ability to daydream at any given moment. When Hiro stumbled its way to the arenas he became OBSESSED with everything about them.